Becoming a new mom, I worried all of 2013 about not spending enough time and energy on my little business, even though I have been working every available minute. During babies nap.time, in the evenings and during his quiet play time and on weekends - life and worries in self-employment, hu?! But after having had a look on my final stats I am pleased to report that I still managed to land and fulfill 80% of orders whilst having only spent only about 30% of work time, compared to 2012.
That means my time management was real good and I prioritized right.
Being now half way through my second pregnancy I have now 20weeks left to make an even better strategic plan for 2014.
It will not be easy to handle 2babies and keep my boutique going, but I am thrilled to be where I am. Although my days are long and still never seem to have enough hours, I can't imagine having to wake my boy early, go to an office where I wonder what and how he is doing and if I get to spend a bit of quality time with him at all in the evening.
Instead I can take him into my bed at 6am and cuddle for a little while longer till it is time to face our oh so busy, but stress- and guilt-free days together.
2014 bring it on - I am ready!
P.S.: If you follow me on facebook you'll get a much closer look on a day-to-day basis.